Presentations from Past Go Clean Energy Conferences

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The Green Idea Bank features innovative, sustainable practices, actions, and guidance to help businesses, government, and individuals address the climate crisis. Learn how you can invest a little or a lot and gain substantial benefits, for you and the community.

Affordable Housing      Buildings & Builders    Businesses     Cooking and Appliances

Energy Efficiency     Equity: Projects & Considerations     Electric Bikes, Cars, Fleets, and Charging

Financing & Incentives     Individual Actions    Policies and Actions     Valuing your Energy and Efficiency

Investments         Solar and Renewable Energy     Socially Responsible Investing   Transportation     Waste


Affordable Housing  

Also see CPACE

How Energy and Efficiency Lesson Energy Burden in Affordable Housing. 

Staff from Oregon Housing and Community Services, Housing Stabilization Division share how energy burden in various counties within Oregon,  affects housing affordability and what can be done to mitigate this. A variety of options is discussed, with an explanation of the benefits of each. This includes a discussion of Incentives and subsidies through utilities and other programs and the effectiveness of their ability to meet the need. Slideshow 2019.Click here. 

Alternative Fuels

Michael Graham of the Oregon Clean Cities Coalition discusses alternative fuels and their impact on ghg emissions in Oregon. Slideshow 2019.  Click here.



Buildings & Builders



The Benefits of Electric Buildings. Rocky Mountain Institute addresses why fossil fuel infrastructure and yearly usage costs are likely to be more expensive for new subdivisions. Innovations are making electrification more possible and economical when electric cooking is included. They discuss how health and climate should be considered, along with cost factors for making the changes. Innovations offered by the electric heat pump, which, in Oregon is much more efficient than the Energy Star gas furnace.  They also discuss how indoor air quality is often compromised and how reducing building emissions could significantly contribute to health. Childhood asthma and inequitable health impacts on low income, communities of color and other vulnerable individuals is highlighted as it occurs in homes with gas stoves. Includes recommendations for policies, cities and government jurisdictions, including how these improvements could create good jobs and could contribute to a JUST transition. They suggest that incentives be given to foster this transition from fossil fuels to electric. The cost of electric induction stove can be less than $1,000 since they do not require venting of toxic emissions as gas stoves do.  Load flexibility effects, incentives, and utility based programs are suggested. Q and A is rich with ideas and comments, particularly related to why fossilgas (naturalgas) is so toxic inside buildings and why it must be stopped.   30 minute Video 2020.  Click Here. 

Electric Induction Ranges: Whats new and Waiting to be discovered. Many don’t understand why the cleaner, more affordable, less toxic electric induction range is a “special ask” for new homes. Learn why these ranges should be the quality, cost, and health standard. She discusses how an inexpensive “hob” can be purchased for as little as $100 and Electric inducation ranges purchased for $1000 or less. Rachelle Boucher, “appliance whisperer” and  chef,  13 minute Video 2020. Click here. 

Energy Trust of Oregon EPS: New Construction Offerings for Builders who want to Build above code. Don MacOdrum, of TRC Companies,  discusses requirements, such as EDA, energy design assistance, and the home must by 20% above the efficiency baseline. Eligibility is also addressed and possible eligibility for other incentive programs, such as State and Federal. NetZero Incentives require the installation of Solar. Don also addresses the Energy Smart Homes incentive programs.  14 minute Video 2020.  Click here. 

Hillsboro: How to Put Together a High Performance Subdivision: Peter Brandom, Sustainability Director of Hillsboro Oregon, outlines steps and goals for  a project that mobilized stakeholders to create a subdivision with multimodal mobility, open spaces and access to services and facilities, along with benefits of high performing homes. Policy underpinnings, policy toolkits,  and engagement of the planning commission, city council, and other key government and business stakeholders is discussed. The EPS, Energy Performance Score, along with Energy Trust of Oregon incentives is included. Project specific mechanicals and products. Toplines for builder engagement and getting started with energy “ready” homes provides guidance, along with statistics of the growing market for green homes and support offered by Earth Advantage. Slideshow 2019  Click here. 

Strategic Energy Management:  Jesse Holland, ICF, A trade ally of Energy Trust of Oregon, explains the benefits as well as the many improvements supported by incentives. Technical assistance is also provided to grocers, food service and restaurants, hospitality, datacenters, school districts, hospitals and healthcare. Learn how you can get started saving money and helping the planet. Slideshow 2019.   Click here. 

What is the Home Energy Score? Slideshow 2018. Click here. 

How too Build a NetZero Home Affordably      Perry Brooks, principal of NZ Development, Bend, OR, demonstrates the building envelope, wall structure, heating and cooling and ventilation for an affordable Net Zero Home. The home is certified by Earth Advantage and has an Accessory Dwelling Unit, ADU. 10 minutes .   Click here. 

Northwest AeroBarrier, Peter Grube of Northwest AeroBarrier explains the mechanics and health considerations of the home’s envelope. Peter Grube is a Certified Sustainable Building Advisor, and owner of Northwest Aero Barrier, an innovative air sealing technology. He discusses the many reasons why builders should be building NetZero homes. He  provides information about an envelope barrier product that contributes to cleaner air and more efficient energy use.  12 minute Video 2020.  Click here. 

The Benefits of Electric Buildings. Rocky Mountain Institute addresses why fossil fuel infrastructure is more expensive and toxic in new and existing homes. Includes comfort and health as well as planet considerations, along with cost factors for making the changes.  Video 2020. Click here. 

CPACE: Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy. It now operates in 35 states. Hear John Wasiutynski, Multnomah County Director of Sustainability discuss the benefits of this new financing option for commercial and manufacturing buildings, and owners of residential buildings of 5 plexes and up. Improvements can include energy, roofing, efficiency, water conservation, irrigation, seismic improvement, and more.  25 minute video 2020.   Click here. 

Laurie Harrer, of 350Deschutes explains how CPACE is used in HUD affordable housing, and units with a minimum size of 5 units, and as a PPA hybrid for solar projects.  10 minute Video.   Click here. 

Oregon’s Energy Codes

Roger Kainu, Oregon Department of Energy discusses why energy codes are importants,  the national picture for energy codes, along with the upgrades for Zero Energy Ready homes, Commercial Energy Code. Also included is the work done, including links for those who want to work on energy codes, to resources on how to get energy codes established.  He also provides examples of what an energy can and cannot do, and the value it provdes to a homeowner or prospective home buyer. This presentation is valuable for builders, homebuyers, and any policymakers wishing to understanding energy codes, who to engage in the planning process and how to start and implement them in the practical world.   Slideshow 2019. Click here. 


Businesses, Organizations, and Sustainablity 

See also Strategic Energy Management, under Buildings.


How to Jump Start your Sustainability Program by Jackie Drumheller, consultant, Former Director of Sustainability, Alaska Airlines. Jackie discusses how to implement green initiatives and get buy-in from upper management. Slideshow  2019Click Here

Green Team in Action: G5 innovation:  Mandy Dalrymple describes how G5 engages employees in annual events, and actions around the office to promote sustainabilty.  Slide show 2019.  Click here. 

Small Actions Make a Difference.  Dr CB Bhattacharya, World renowned sustainabilty expert at the University of Pittsburgh graduate school talks about why sustainability builds value, how to engage your entire team, and what to do about the 20% that could care less.   36 minute Video 2020.  Click here. 

Why Small Businesses Must Be Sustainable. Mary Anne Harmer and Tom Hering: What are small companies doing now that are under financial threat of Covid 19? How are they demonstrating sustainabilty?  28 minute Video 2020.  Click here. 


Cooking and Appliances

Electric Induction Ranges: Whats new and Waiting to be discovered.  Electric can be affordable, with “hobs” as little as $75. Many don’t understand why the cleaner, less toxic electric induction range is a “special ask” for new homes. Learn why these ranges should be the quality, cost, and health standard. Rachelle Boucher, “appliance whisperer” and  chef,  10 min Video. 2020. Click here.

Energy Efficiency

Busting Myths: Energy Efficiency, Retrofit for Older homes (2006 and before)

Energy efficiency and clean energy pay off. David Heslam of Earth Advantage discusses Why this is important and where to get the money to pay for your future utility bill savings! He also discusses how to recoop these investments upon resale. 45 minute video 2020 .  Click here. 

Incentive Programs for New Buildings, Additions or Tenant Buildouts

ML Vidas describes the Energy Trust of Oregon incentive program which is used for new construction, tenant build out, major renovation, or expansion projects. Many entities use the program to move towards netzero: schools, hospitals, multifamily, organizations and businesses. Early design assistance and technical assistance is described along with multiple case examples from different sectors. Slideshow 2019.   Click here. 

Selling and Marketing the Value of Green Efficient Homes

Brian Ladd, Cascade Sothebys Real Estate, discusses the value of green homes to the marketplace, along with key promotion tactics that show key buyer needs and hotbuttons. Also included is the estimated payoff for green improvements. Slideshow 2019. Click here. 

 The Home Energy Score

Scot Davidson of Enhabit defines the Home Energy Score, Why its important, its benefits, with comparisons to progress with implementation in other states.. Slideshow 2018.  Click here. 

Inverter Driven Heat Pumps

Greensavers CEO John Hamerly discusses the innovation of Heat Pumps that minimize energy use, can utilize clean energy, and create benefits for homeowners and communities. Slideshow 2019.  Click here. 


Equity Projects and Considerations

See also Affordable Housing and CPACE

Partners in Diversity discusses how businesses can increase competitive advantage and hire and talented and diverse workforce. Slideshow 2018. Click here. 

Creating an Inclusive, Equitable Mobility System:  Leann ONeill, President of Bend Bikes,  addresses how to build an equitable transportation system. Video 11 min. 2020.  Click here. 

Ebikes and Equity: Steve Gutmann of Forth Mobility discusses a  project: lending library for Ebikes, and how Electric Bikes can be a choice to help expand equity in transportation.  15 minute Video 2020.   Click here. 

Electric Bikes, Cars, Fleets, and Charging

Jeff German of National Car Charging discusses various types of charging, the increase in EV deployment and what governments and businesses should do to get started.  23 minute Video 2020.   Click here. 

Electric bikes: Give the Car a Break

Electric bikes are contagious! Bend Electric Bikes has put together an engaging video to show the many uses for the electric bike, as well as choices to make it work for you. 15 minute Video 2020.  Click here. 

Jeff German of National Car charging explains how to overcome barriers to EV purchase, as well as various models for business charging, including their challenges and benefits. Slideshow 2019.  Click here.

Kelly Yearick of Forth Mobility describes the type of Electric cars and trucks and their features. How to charging information, the role of utility programs help deployment, and an example of a car share program in Hood River is described.  Slide show 2019.  Click here. 

Financing Improvements


See Valuing your Energy and this is included in many sessions through incentives. The various types of mortgages, on line bill pay, and utility programs are discussed in Busting Myths. 


Individual Actions: Small Actions Add up

Use This Not That

Jacqueline Drumheller, Sustainability Consultant, Former Director of Sustainability for Alaska Airlines, discusses our individual carbon footprint for various actions, and suggests how we can reduce our footprint easily with simple steps. 2019 Slideshow.   Click here. 


Policies and Actions

ENROADS Policy Simulator Tool: Bill Knights, retired NOAA scientist demonstrates the ENROADS policy/education tool. Learn how you can show results from various climate strategies and which ones make the biggest difference. It may surprise you. Developed by MIT for use by policy makers, advocates, and educators or anyone wishing to explain or understand climate actions.  The tool is in BETA phase but available to use. A demo is provided  here. Slideshow 2020  Click here. 

Oregon Climate Plan: Why we need an Everything Strategy. How Well is Oregon Reducing Green House Gas Emissions?  Dr Alan JOURNET discusses Oregon’s lack of progress towards reducing ghg emissions and what can be done with the Oregon Climate Plan. Its not a pretty site, but there are options, if we act boldly. 22 minute video 2020.  Click here. 

Valuing your Energy and Efficiency Investments

Sandra Adomatis, NAR Green, SAR, LEED Green Associate helps builders understand why energy efficient homes will help their reputation, will buyers pay for it, What are the key marketing factors to consider when building, whats important to buyers.  Home Energy Score, and Home Energy Rating is compared. Tips on how to ensure you get top value upon resale. Dennis Smith, Fredde Mac provides valuable tips on the Green Choice Mortgage and how homebuyers can boost their loan value when installing energy efficient improvements that save money in the long run. This happens about half way through the video. 48 minute Video 2020.  Click here.

Solar and Renewable Energy

Resiliency: Gain Energy Independence with a Microgrid and your Energy Infrastructure.  Ameresco, and energy service company talks about budget neutral projects for schools, businesses, hospitals, and government that provides ghg mitigation as well as security during natural disasters. Video 2020. Click here. 

Bonneville Environmental Foundation discusses community solar projects in Oregon and Washington. PPT 2018

Solar: Affordable housing

Solar Within Reach for low to moderate income individuals   Video 2020. Click Here

Sunlight solar discusses the Energy Trust of Oregon’s Solar Within Reach program, along with qualifications and building of energy wise and efficient homes at Northwest Cottages, in Bend. (Video) Bend Redmond habitat for humanity discusses how these incentives are used to build affordable housing, benefitting both builders and buyers.  15 minute video.   Click here. 

E2 Solar shows how solar storage is being installed at many levels, from residential to utility scale due to its ability to provide resiliency and reduce costs. A case example is described. Slide show 2019.   Click here. 

Renewable Energy Procurement for Cities and Counties             

RMI, Rocky Mountain Institute, World Renowned Think Tank, provides a toolkit for how to procure renewable energy: from PPA’s (Power Purchase Agreements) to Green tariffs and REC’s. (Renewable Energy Certificates. (Yuning)  Video 2020 .  Click here.

Socially Responsible  Investing

Jack Schniepp of Cascade Financial Strategies describes Socially Responsible Investing, its benefits to investors, and how ESG criteria are used to evaluate investments. (environmental, social, governance) as well as the risks of not using these criteria. Slideshow 2019.  Click here. 


Transportation: Mobility

Oregon Department of Transportation discusses its new focus on climate and equity, along with outlining Oregon’s serious impacts from climate change: flooding, erosion, landslides, and wildfires.  Mitigation and alternative fuels . 20 minute video 2020.  Click here. 

Kim Curley of Commute Options and Emma Geurts of Gear Fix discuss the Oregon GET THERE program, and the rewards it offers to individuals and businesses.  15 minute Video. Click here.


Plastics Paradigm: Paula Latasa Kinzer discusses how we created the plastics crisis, the damages to our health and environment, our personal responsibility, as well as business and individual solutions. This includes examples of efforts from corporations to reduce plastics, as well as individual suggestions for DIY projects that are both inexpensive and high quality.  Slide show 2019.   Click here. 

Lisa Cox of Oregon DEQ discusses and internship program available to businesses, along with results from actual projects,  waste, and greenhouse gas emissions.  Slideshow 2019.  Click here. 

Elaine Blatt of Oregon DEQ discusses Wasted Food Wasted Money. How individuals and businesses can benefit from managing food waste.  Slideshow 2018.   Click here.