350Deschutes is part of the Global Network of 350.org.

We are a separate nonprofit organization from 350.org and located in Deschutes County of Oregon, yet follow a similar purpose to build awareness, educate, organize, and stop NEW fossil fuel infrastructure and further actions for climate stability. 350 was named after 350 parts per million (ppm) — the safe concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. 2021 records hit 419 ppm and yearly average are rising.


Our mission is to address the greatest threat to human lives. 350Deschutes engages in Climate Advocacy, Climate Education, developing climate policy that serves all people, including a JUST TRANSITION for affected workers to transition to a clean low-carbon economy, with special consideration for the needs of the most vulnerable communities, such as the elderly, families with children, rural residents, people of low income and people of color.



What do we do?

To address the greatest threat to human lives, climate change, 350Deschutes addresses climate injustice through policy, actions, and education. Focusing on vulnerable communities, we foster equity and a just transition for workers to transition to a clean, low carbon economy.


Why do we do it?

  • We can overcome these threats to our quality of life, and foster a better life for future generations.
  • The clean energy transition brings prosperity with living wages and more jobs.
  • Engaging in community actions improves access to clean energy and efficiency in underserved communities
  • Pollution and dependence on dirty energy hurts everyone, but especially people of low income, and people of color who lack access to living wage jobs, transportation, clean buildings, and improved living conditions.


How do we do it?

We engage in policy across Oregon, actions to improve climate justice, and education to raise awareness, participation, and deployment.

  • Conduct annual GO Clean Energy Conference to encourage collaboration, innovation and resiliency across sectors.
  • Provide an interactive website to serve as a hub for education, advocacy and technical assistance.
  • Collaborate with others on policies that encourage strong government, and business engagement to reduce energy costs and our dependence on fossil fuels, improve our air and water quality, while fostering  a stable climate.
  • Engage volunteers who use their special talents to accomplish mutual goals.


Learn about our key volunteers and staff.