Stop the PGE New Proposed Permit: A Pollution Disaster!
Send Comments before April 30. 

PGE stopped the new gas plant in being built, but now they want to increase pollution and emissions at their existing plant. This is unacceptable at a time when clean energy is available and offers low cost price stability to ratepayers.

If their proposed new permit is approved, PGE’s Carty Plant will emit more than three times more carbon monoxide and eight times more smog-causing pollution.

PGE proposes a massive increase in air pollution from carbon monoxide and volatile organic compound emissions. (carbon monoxide pollution by 324%, and VOCs by 808%.)

PGE is supporting fracked gas, which consumes millions of gallons of water, and due to highly polluting methane leaks in storage, and transportation, may be dirtier than coal. It could lead to an expansion of pipelines in Oregon!

Here’s a few talking points for your comments

Ask PGE to reduce its smog pollution, or at least maintain current levels,  and convert to clean renewables:
Fracked gas has price volatility, threatening ratepayer price stability. Renewable energy has price stability and is getting lower every day. Hold PGE to current annual pollution limits for VOCs and carbon monoxide.


Send written comments by email to NOTE use the following SUBJECT HEADING:

SUBJECT HEADING: PGE Carty Plants Permit Modification for Air Quality Control

Nancy Swofford, Permit Coordinator



Thank you!